I hope everyone is enjoying the TLS update, which, by the way, just got a hotfix to address all known bugs with achievements. There will likely be more, but I'll do my best to stay on top of everything!
Meanwhile, I have an exciting new announcement: we have set up the pre-launch campaign for the Don't Save the Princess Kickstarter! This has been a long-running side project, delayed time and time again as I focused on TLS, but it has been getting close in the background and the plan is get it over the finish line via a Kickstarter campaign:
If you don't know about this project, you can get more information on Steam. We actually have a fully animated sex scene, which is hard to link but you can find on my Twitter if you have that. There should be a Newgrounds version later, if you follow me there.
All platforms are getting less hospitable: the days when a person could launch a Kickstarter with just an idea are long over, and lately even polished campaigns are failing. Before I take a shot at something bigger, I want to have a finished campaign under my belt, hopefully with lots of happy backers.
If you're interested in this project, great: please follow the page and donate what you want later. If you don't care, feel free to ignore.
However, if you are on the fence, wanting to support me or my general ambitions but not enthusiastic about this step... maybe throw me a buck. The more individual users are supporting the project, the more reputable it will look, both for making this campaign a success and for setting up for future ones. Since all algorithms are sadly winner-take-all these days, I'm trying to do whatever I can to get on top of those waves instead of sinking under.
I'm not sure exactly when the campaign will launch, but this is something I hope to finally clear off my plate, a fun little diversion after so long on the heavy work of TLS. ^-^ Please join me if this looks interesting!